
African Kriol


Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Belize
  • Guyana
  • Parts of West Africa

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Kreyol, Aiysyen, African Creole

Number Of People

  • 7.4 million (Total)

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Botswana
  • Malawi
  • Namibia
  • South Africa
  • Swaziland
  • Zambia

Number Of People

  • 17 million (South Africa) 17.5 million (Total)



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Ghana
  • Parts of West Africa

Number Of People

  • 9 million (Ghana) 9.1 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Agona, Anomabo Fanti, Abura Fanti, Akuapem, Akeym, Asante, Asen, Dankyira , Fante, Kwawu, Gomua, Ahafo

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Akan is the second most popular language in Ghana after English. It is spoken by 12.7% of the people.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Albania
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Kosovo
  • Macedonia
  • Montenegro
  • Serbia

Number Of People

  • 4 million (Albania) 8.6 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Tosk, Gheg

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Albanian is one of the ten branches in the Indo-European language family. It is not derived from any other language.



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Ethiopia
  • Israel

Alternative Names

  • Abyssinian, Amarigna, Amarinya, Amhara, Ethiopian

Number Of People

  • 25.6 million (Ethiopia) 26 million (Total)

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Amharic has been influenced since the 14th century by Cushitic languages.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Algeria
  • Bahrain
  • Chad
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Gaza
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Mauritania
  • Morocco
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen

Alternative Names

  • Classical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic

Alternative Names

  • 291 million (Total)

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Arabic is the official language of 25 countries. It has also influenced many other languages such as Persian, Kurdish, Pashto, Turkish, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Swahili and Hausa.


   Bahasa Indonesia

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia
  • Iran
Alternative Names
  • Armjanski Yazyk, Ena, Ermeni Dili, Ermenice, Haieren, Somkhuri
Number Of People
  • 3 Million (Armenia) 5.2 million (Total)
Major Dialects
  • Eastern Armenian, Erevan, Tbilisi , Karabagh, Shamakhi , Astrakhan, Dzhulfa , Agulis, Khvoy-Salmst , Urmia-Maragheh, Artvin, Karin, Mus , Van , Tigranakert, Kharberd , Shabin-Karahissar , Trabzon , Hamshen , Malatya , Kilikien, Syria, Arabkir, Ararat, Akn, Sebaste, Ewdokia , Smyrna , North Komedia, Constantinople , Rodosto, Crimea, Ashkharik.
Interesting Language Related Facts
  • Armenian is an independent branch of the Indo European Language Family. It is considered to be one of the oldest languages in the world.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Indonesia
  • Netherlands
Alternative Names
  • Bahasa Indonesian
Number Of People
  • 22.8 (Indonesia) 23 million (Total)
Interesting Language Related Facts
  • The Indonesian language is a form of Malay. It does differ from Malay in its pronunciation and vocabulary.



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Mali
  • Parts of West Africa

Alternative Names

  • Bamanankan

Number Of People

  • 14 million (Mali) 14.1 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Standard Bambara, Somono, Segou, San, Beledugu, Ganadugu, Sikasso, Wasulunkakan

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • About 80 % of the population of Mali speaks Bambara as the first or second language.
  • About 80 % of the population of Mali speaks Bambara as the first or second language.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Bangladesh
  • India
  • Nepal

Alternative Names

  • Bengali, Bangala, Bangla-Bhasa

Number Of People

  • 11 million (Bangladesh) 193 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Barisal



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Bangladesh
  • India
Alternative Names
  • Bangala, Bangla, Bangla-Bhasa
Number Of People
  • 110 million (Bangladesh) 193 million (Total)
Major Dialects
  • Barik, Bhatiari, Chirmar, Kachari-Bengali, Lohari-Malpaharia, Musselmani, Rajshahi, Samaria, Saraki, Siripuria
Interesting Language Related Facts
  • Bengali is the seventh most spoken language.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Bosnia
  • Croatia
  • Macedonia
  • Montenegro
  • Serbia
Alternative Names
  • Bosanski, Serbo-Croation
Number Of People
  • 1 million (Bosnia) 1.5 million (Total)
Major Dialects
  • Serbian, Croatian, Ijekavían, Ikavian
Interesting Language Related Facts
  • Due to the war in Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and Slovenia, the Serbo-Croatian language received four different names: Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin. These four languages are mutually intelligible.



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Bulgaria
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Serbia
  • Turkey

Alternative Names

  • Modern Bulgarian, bălgarski ezik

Number Of People

  • 7 million (Bulgaria) 8 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Palityan

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • The Bulgarian language first adopted the Cyrillic alphabet, it later spread throughout other Slovak languages.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Burma (Myanmar)

Alternative Names

  • Bama, Bamachaka, Mynmar, Myen

Number Of People

  • 32 million (Myanmar) 32.1 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Beik, Mandalay Burmese, Yangon Burmese, Yaw

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • After a military coup in 1962 English would only be required at an elementary level as Burmese would take over as the official language of Burma (Myanmar).


Cape Verdean

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Cambodia
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam

Alternative Names

  • Khmer, Central Khmer

Number Of People

  • 13 million (Cambodia) 14.2 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Southern Khmer

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Cambodian is also known as the Khmer language and now services as the official language of Cambodia.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Cape Verde
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Portugal
  • Senegal

Alternative Names

  • Kabuverdianu, Cape Verdean Creole
Number Of People
500,000 (Cape Verde Islands)
  • 500,000 (Cape Verde Islands) 733,000 (Total)
Major Dialects
  • Kabuverdianu Sotavento, Kabuverdianu Bralavento
Interesting Language Related Facts
  • The official language of the Cape Verde islands is Portuguese however as the people of the island are both a mix of European and African, the creole is used in conversational dialogue.

Chinese Cantonese

Chinese Fokenese

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • China
  • Hong Kong
Alternative Names
  • Yue
Number Of People
  • 52 Million (China) 62 million (Total)
Interesting Language Related Facts
  • Cantonese developed from the Middle Chinese language and is now the main language of Canton also known as South China.
Major Dialects
  • Bobai, Cangwu, Gaolei, Guangzhou, Guinan, Ping, Qinlian, Siyi, Tengxian, Yangjiang, Zhong-shan

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • China
  • Macau
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan

Major Dialects

  • Chinese Fukienese, Hokkien, Fujianese

Number Of People

  • 25.7 million
Alternative Names
  • Min Nan

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Fokenese was derived from ancient Chinese.

Chinese Mandarin


Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Hong Kong
  • Malaysia
  • Many Parts of Southeast Asia
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan

Number Of People

  • Norther Chinese, Standard Chinese, Beifang, Guanhua, Gouy, Hanyu, Huayu, Mandarin, Zhongguohua, Zhongwen

Alternative Names

  • 840 million (China) 1 billion (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Taibei Mandarin, Huabei Guanhua, Jinghuai Guanhua, Xibei Guanhua, Xinan Guuanhua

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • This language has been the national language of China since the 14th century, and is one of the six languages of the United Nations.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Micronesia

Alternative Names

  • Chuuk, Lagoon Chuukese, Ruk, Truk, Trukese

Number Of People

  • 48200 (Micronesia) 97600 (Total)

Major Dialects

  • East Lagoon, Fayichuck



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Croatia
Alternative Names
  • Hrvatski
Number Of People
  • 4.2 million (Croatia) 6.5 million (Total)
Major Dialects
  • Kaykavski, Chakavski, Shtokavski

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia

Alternative Names

  • Čeština, Český Jazyk, Bohemian

Number Of People

  • 10 Million (Czech Republic) 13.2 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Central Bohemian, Czecho-Moravian, Hanak, Lach, Northeast Bohemian, Southwest Bohemian

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Czech is very similar to the Slovak language. Both have influence from the Polish, Hungarian and German languages.



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Greenland
  • Iceland

Alternative Names

  • Dansk, Rigsdansk

Major Dialects

  • Bornholmsk, Jutlandic, Island Danish, Jutish, Norwegian, Swedish

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • The Danish language had its most recent letter “Å” added to its alphabet in 1948 and replaced the use of “aa” in the language.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Aruba
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • Parts of the Caribbean
  • South Africa
  • Suriname

Alternative Names

  • Netherlandic

Number Of People

  • 15.7 million (Netherlands) 22 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Major Dialects



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Estonia
  • Finland

Alternative Names

  • Eesti

Number Of People

  • 1 million (Estonia) 1.1 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Tallinn, Tartu, Mulgi

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • While both culturally and physically close to Russia, the Estonian language has very little in common with the other Slavic languages.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Benin
  • Parts of West Africa
  • Togo

Alternative Names

  • Eibe, Ebwe, Eve, Efe, Eue, Vhe, Gbe, Krepi, Krepe, Popo

Number Of People

  • 3.3 million (Ghana) 4.7 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Alnglo, Awuna, Hudu, Kotafoa

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Ewe is one of two major languages in the southern part of Africa.



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Ghana

Number Of People

  • 443000 (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Akan

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Afghanistan
  • Iran
  • Iraq

Alternative Names

  • Persian

Number Of People

  • 7.6 million (Afghanistan) 9.6 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Dari, Darwazi, Tangshew



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Finland
  • Russian Federation

Number Of People

  • 5.1 million (Finland) 5.7 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Southwestern Finnish, Häme, South Pohjanmaa, Central Pohjanmaa, Northern Pohjanmaa, peräpohja, Savo, Southeastern Finnish

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • The Finnish language borrows words from the German, Slavic, and Baltic languages.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Canada
  • France
  • Parts of North Africa
  • Parts of West Africa

Number Of People

  • 63 million (France) 229 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • French Acadian, Franco-Ontarien, Shippagan Franco-Terreneuvien

French (Quebecois)

French African

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Canada

Number Of People

  • 7 million (Total) 2.7 million (Quebec)

Major Dialects

  • French Acadian, Franco-Ontarien

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Central Africa
  • Parts of West Africa

Number Of People

  • 10,000 to 40,000 (Total)

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • The phrase African French was sometimes used to differentiate the African speakers of the French language from the Parisian and Quebecois speakers.



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Ghana

Alternative Names

  • Gan, Gᾶ, Accra, Acra, Amina, Gain, Gamei

Number Of People

  • 750000 (Ghana) 750000 (Total)

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • This language shares a close relationship with the Ewe language due to its close proximity to Ghana.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia
  • Russia
Alternative Names
  • Kartvelian, Kartuli
Number Of People
  • 3.6 million (Total)
Major Dialects
  • Imeretian, Racha-Lexchxum (Lechkhum), Adzhar (Acharian), Imerxev Kartlian, Kaxetian (Kakhetian), Ingilo, Tush, Xevsur (Kheysur), Moxev (Mokhev), Pshav, Mtiul, Ferejdan, Meskhur-Javakhuri. Imerxev is in Turkey, Ferejdan may no longer be spoken in Iran.
Interesting Language Related Facts
  • The Arabic, Persian and Turkish languages have been a big influence on the formation of the Georgian language.



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Czech
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Switzerland

Alternative Names

  • Plautdietsch, Tedesco

Number Of People

  • 77.8 million (Germany) 130 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Bavarian, Schwäbian, Alemannisch, Eastern Franconian, Hessisch, Palatinian, Rheinfränkisch, Westfälisch, Saxonian, Thuringian, Brandenburgisch, Low Saxon

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • German has two main dialects being Lower and Upper German, Upper German remains as the Standard German and is usually associated with a higher social status.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Cyprus
  • Greece
  • Turkey
Number Of People
  • 1.1 million (Cyprus) 13 million (total)
Major Dialects
  • Armenian, Cypriot Greek
Interesting Language Related Facts
  • Until 1976 there were two official versions of Greek, Demotic, which were used in more of a casual setting and Katharevouas which was used more often in academics, medicine and law. Now Demotic is the official version of Greek.



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • India
  • Pakistan
  • Singapore

Alternative Names

  • Gujrathi, Gujerati, Gujerathi

Number Of People

  • 45.7 million (India) 46 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Standard Gujarati, Surati, Kathiaware, Gamadia, Kakari, Kathiyawadi, Kharwa, Parsi, Tarimuki

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Gujarati has been influenced from a variety of languages. The northern Gujarati dialect derived heavily from Arabic and Persian and the southern Gujarati dialects came from Hindi, English and Portuguese.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • French Guiana
  • Guyana
Alternative Names
  • Guianese Creole French, Guyanais, Guyane, Patwa
Number Of People
  • 50000 (Total)

Haitian Creole


Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Dominican Republic
  • Haiti
  • Parts of the United States

Alternative Names

  • Fablas, Plateau

Number Of People

  • 7 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Creole, Haitian, Kreyol, Western Caribbean Creole

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Haitian Creole is a French based creole. French is the other official language of Haiti.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • West and Central Africa
Alternative Names
  • Abakwariga, Habe, Haoussa, Hausawa, Kado, and Mgbakpa
Number Of People
  • 33.5 million (Nigeria) 47 million (Total)
Major Dialects
  • Kano, Katagum, Hadejiya, Sokoto, Gobirawa, Adarawa, Kebbawa, Zamfarawa, Katsina, Arewa, Eastern Hausa, Western Hausa



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Israel
Number Of People
  • 4.8 million (Israel) 5 million (Total)
Major Dialects
  • Standard Hebrew, Oriental Hebrew
Interesting Language Related Facts
  • The Hebrew language like the Arabic language is Semitic even thought Hebrew is written differently, its grammar is similar to Arabic.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • Nepal
  • Northern and Central India
  • Pakistan

Alternative Names

  • Khadi Boli, Khari Boli
Number Of People
  • 258 million (India) 381 million(Total)



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • China
  • Laos
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam

Alternative Names

  • Maio

Number Of People

  • 7.7 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Green Hmong, White Hmong, Hmong Daw, Hmong Njua, Horned Miao, Northern Guiyang Miao, Large Flowery Miao, Luopohe Miao, Northern Huishui, Northern Mashan Miao

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • Hmong has two distinct dialects being White Hmong and Green Hmong. Based on what dialect is spoken it will determine what color clothing is worn, either white or green respectively.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Austria
  • Croatia
  • Hungary
  • Israel
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Ukraine

Alternative Names

  • Magyar

Number Of People

  • 9.8 million (Hungary) 12.6 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Western Transdanubian, Central Transdanubian, Southern Transdanubian, Southern Great Plains, Paló, Tisza-Körös, Northeastern Hungarian



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • Iceland

Alternative Names

  • Íslenska

Number Of People

  • 300000 (Iceland) 313000 (Total)

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • The Icelandic language is considered part of Iceland’s national identity, with significant effort put in to keeping the language the same.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Philippines

Alternative Names

  • Ilokano and Iloko

Number Of People

  • 6.9 million (Philippines) 7 million (Total)



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Indonesia
  • Netherlands

Alternative Names

  • Bahasa Indonesian

Number Of People

  • 22.8 (Indonesia) 23 million (Total)

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • The Indonesian language is a form of Malay. It does differ from Malay in its pronunciation and vocabulary.

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Croatia
  • Italy Switzerland
  • San Marino
  • Slovenia

Alternative Names

  • Italiano

Number Of People

  • 57.7 million (Italy) 66 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Tuscan, Abruzzese, Pugliese, Umbrian, Laziale, Central Marchigiano, Cicolano-Reatino-Aquilano, Molisano

Jamaican Patois


Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Dominica
  • Jamaica

Alternative Names

  • Jamaican Creole English, Patwa, Quashie
Number Of People
  • 2.6 million (Total)

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Japan

Number Of People

  • 128 million (Total)

Major Dialects

  • Eastern Japanese, Western Japanese, Zu-zu-ben



Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Guatemala

Alternative Names

  • Quiché, Chiquel

Number Of People

  • 2.3 million (Total)

Country(ies)/Region Spoken In:

  • Guatemala

Alternative Names

  • Quiché, Chiquel, Central K’iche’, Central Quiché

Alternative Names

  • Quiché, Chiquel, Central K’iche’, Central Quiché

Major Dialects

  • Alta Verapaz Cobán, Cunén Kiché, Joyabaj Kiché, West Central Kiché, Eastern Kiché, San Andrés Kiché

Interesting Language Related Facts

  • K’iche’ is the second-most widely spoken language in the country after Spanish.


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